• Abdominal Pain

    OVERVIEW Abdominal pain is pain or discomfort that's felt in the stomach area, between your chest and genitals, known as your abdomen or belly region. Abdominal pain can occur for many different reasons, including a stomach virus, indigestion, constipation, or for some people, during menstruation. A

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  • Abnormal Liver Function Tests

    OVERVIEW Commonly referred to as a liver panel or liver enzymes, these are a series of tests that check the functioning of your liver and its performance. While it's not uncommon for a liver panel to be part of your routine health checkup, liver function tests can be used if your gastroenterologist or

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  • Acute Pancreatitis

    OVERVIEW Responsible for the production of hormones and the important role it plays in digestion, your pancreas plays an integral role in your body's digestive system. Damage to your pancreas can lead to inflammation and swelling, a medical condition that's known as pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can be

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  • Adalimumab

    OVERVIEW Adalimumab (also known as Humira) injections are a type of medication that's used to treat the symptoms of autoimmune disorders like swelling, inflammation, and pain. When prescribed for gut health, adalimumab injections are used for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative

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  • Ambulatory pH Monitoring

    OVERVIEW Ambulatory pH monitoring is an outpatient procedure that is used to diagnose gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you're experiencing the symptoms of GERD, which can include heartburn or regurgitation, your board-certified gastroenterologist may recommend ambulatory pH monitoring. It may

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  • Anal Fissure

    OVERVIEW An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus as a result of trauma or injury to the anal canal. Most of the time this occurs with constipation, diarrhea, vaginal delivery, or anal sex. The most common symptom is anal pain that can worsen during or after having a bowel movement. Bleeding

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  • Anemia

    OVERVIEW Anemia is a medical condition resulting in a low red blood cell count. Red blood cells are responsible for supplying your body with oxygen. A lack of oxygen delivered to your body's cells can result in shortness of breath or fatigue, as well as a decrease in the functioning of your tissues and

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  • Anorectal Manometry

    OVERVIEW Anorectal manometry is a test commonly used to check the muscle pressure and function of the anal sphincter and rectal muscles. The better these muscles function, the easier it is for you to pass and eliminate stool from your bowels. Your board-certified gastroenterologist may recommend you

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  • Azathioprine/6 Mercapopurine

    OVERVIEW Part of a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants, azathioprine (also known as Azasan or Imuran), and mercaptopurine—sometimes also referred to as 6-MP or Purixan—are prescribed for patients with the following gastrointestinal conditions: Ulcerative colitis Crohn's Disease Also known

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  • Barrett’s Esophagus

    OVERVIEW Barrett's esophagus is a gastrointestinal condition that results in damage and changes to the tissue that lines the wall of your esophagus. The esophagus is a tube that carries food and connects the mouth and stomach. Barrett’s esophagus is a risk factor for the development of esophageal cancer. What

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  • Breath Test for H Pylori

    OVERVIEW Also known as a urea breath test (UBT), this test checks your breath to see whether you have an infection caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a bacterial infection of the stomach. This infection is the most common chronic bacterial infection in the world. Over time H. pylori can result

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  • Breath Test for SIBO

    OVERVIEW Hydrogen breath tests are recommended by gastroenterologists for certain gastrointestinal conditions that affect your digestive health. One of these conditions, known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIBO, most commonly results in: Bloating Flatulence Abdominal discomfort Watery

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  • CT Scan

    OVERVIEW You may be familiar with different diagnostic procedures like X-rays or MRIs, but CT scans are slightly different. If you've ever heard of a CT scan, you know how important it can be in diagnosing illness and injury. But what exactly is a CT scan, and how does it work? In this article, we'll

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  • Capsule Endoscopy

    OVERVIEW Capsule endoscopy is a procedure that makes use of a wireless camera in a capsule. This type of endoscopy allows your gastroenterologist to get a live look at your small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum), which is the middle portion of the digestive tract. Video images of your gastrointestinal

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  • Celiac Disease

    OVERVIEW An autoimmune disorder, celiac disease (previously known as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy) is triggered by an abnormal immune response when you consume anything with gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oats. The resulting immune response causes

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  • Celiac Disease Diet

    OVERVIEW An autoimmune disorder, celiac disease (previously known as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy) is triggered by an abnormal immune response when you consume anything with gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oats. The resulting immune response causes

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  • Chronic HCV (Hepatitis C Virus)

    OVERVIEW Hepatitis C, or HCV, is an infection of the liver that's caused due to the hepatitis C virus. According to WebMD, approximately 2.4 million people in the United States have this liver disease, but not all of them may experience symptoms. There are several stages to HCV infections: Incubation

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  • Chronic Hepatitis B

    OVERVIEW Hepatitis B is an inflammatory liver disease that is caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus or HBV. It is one of the leading causes of liver cancer around the world, which, fortunately, can be prevented by vaccination. For most people with hepatitis B, do not experience symptoms even

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  • Chronic Pancreatitis

    OVERVIEW Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Your pancreas is an organ located behind the stomach that's responsible for: making enzymes that help the process of digestion in the small intestine releasing two hormones, insulin, and glucagon, that are necessary for the regulation of blood sugar

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  • Cirrhosis

    OVERVIEW Cirrhosis is a chronic condition that results in the scarring of your liver. A life-threatening condition, cirrhosis replaces healthy liver cells with scar tissue, reducing its ability to properly work and do its job of: filtering toxins from the blood making digestive enzymes storing sugars

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  • Clostridium Difficile infection

    OVERVIEW Clostridium difficile is a bacteria that can cause inflammation and the formation of ulcers in your large intestine, a condition that's medically known as ulcerative colitis. It may also be referred to as C. diff or C. difficile What are the Causes of Clostridium Difficile Infection? C. difficile

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  • Colon Cancer

    OVERVIEW Colon cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the United States. More than 150,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer, and more than 50,000 die from it. That's why it's important to learn about colon cancer - its symptoms, risk factors, and how to reduce your chances of developing

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  • Colon Polyps

    OVERVIEW Colon polyps are growths on the surface of the large intestine (colon and rectum) that can be benign (non-cancerous) or cancerous. The most common type is an adenoma, a benign growth that has the potential to become cancerous in the future. Another common type of polyp is hyperplastic polyp,

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  • Colonoscopy

    OVERVIEW Routine screening is an essential health maintenance tool that can help detect disease at an early stage when it is most treatable. Colonoscopy is a screening test that helps find polyps in the colon and rectum before they turn into cancer. Polyps are growths on the lining of the colon or rectum

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  • Constipation

    OVERVIEW About 16 of 100 adults in the US will experience a high frequency of constipation each year. Adults over 60 are 33.5% more likely to experience this condition. Constipation is not actually well-defined medically, and there are various definitions of this condition that might be used to describe

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  • Crohn’s Disease

    OVERVIEW About 33,000 people are diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease each year. Crohn’s disease involves inflammation that can occur in any part of the digestive tract, most commonly in the small intestine and colon. This disease can also be associated with life-threatening complications so it is important

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  • Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

    OVERVIEW As human beings, we’ve all had our fair share of experiencing unpleasant episodes of vomiting, and one thing that’s for sure is that we don’t ever want it to happen again. For people suffering from cyclic vomiting syndrome, frequent vomiting is an all too often occurrence that can wreak

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  • Diarrhea

    What is Diarrhea? Diarrhea is a condition that is characterized by loose, watery stools. Diarrhea typically lasts for a few days and can resolve on its own. However, if you are experiencing persistent diarrhea or bloody stool, it is important to seek medical attention. Diarrhea can be uncomfortable and

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  • GERD

    Many of us have experienced acid reflux, a feeling of food moving back into the esophagus. A condition known as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease can be diagnosed when this is more frequently experienced. With the help of an adjusted diet and medications guided by a physician, it can be successfully

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  • GERD Diet

    What is GERD? GERD is a digestive disorder that can cause heartburn, regurgitation, or acid indigestion. This disorder is caused by relaxation of the muscle at the end of the esophagus (food pipe) - the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which allows the stomach’s contents to come back up into the

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  • Gas/Bloating

    Gas and bloating can be very common. In some cases, they can interfere with daily activities. Belching is often accompanied by bloating, pain, or swelling of the abdomen, which can be uncomfortable. Even though it is uncomfortable, it is not always tied to a serious underlying health condition. What

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  • Gastric Emptying Scan

    OVERVIEW Gastric emptying time is the rate at which the stomach empties after food consumption. The rate at which the stomach empties is based on many factors. Meal-related factors include meal volume, meal temperature, fat content, acid content, carbohydrate content, protein content, and dietary fiber.

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  • Gastroparesis

    The digestive tract has multiple responsibilities and roles that play an important part in overall health. People suffering from digestive tract issues may complain of pain and discomfort. If left untreated, the symptoms can worsen and lead to more complications. One of the most common types of digestive

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  • Gastroparesis Diet

    OVERVIEW If you are suffering from a condition called Gastroparesis, this means that your stomach does not empty as fast as it should. Another medical terminology for this is delayed gastric emptying. The symptoms of Gastroparesis are feeling sick and vomiting. The common symptoms of this condition include

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  • H pylori infection

    Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, is a bacterium in our stomach. It is the most common chronic bacterial infection in the world. Many people do not have symptoms or notice the infection. The bacteria can become present in your system after direct contact with bodily fluids such as saliva, vomit, feces,

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